भारत के प्रमुख पूर्वोत्तर राज्य असम  की जानकारी Assam info in hindi

State symbols of Assam, assam in hindi, assam ki jankari, assam ki sthithi, assam ka rajy pakshi, assam ka rajy pashu, state animal of assam, rino is state animal of, duck is state bird of,
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असम राज्य की प्रमुख जानकारी Assam info in hindi

असम भारत का एक उत्तर पूर्वी राज्य है यह पूर्वी हिमालय की पहाड़ियों से दक्षिण में स्थित है, ब्रह्मपुत्र और भारत नदियां असम  में से होकर गुजरती है, असम का कुल क्षेत्रफल 78,438 km2 (30,285 sq mi). है,  असम  की कुछ सीमा भूटान देश से भी मिलती है, इसके उत्तर में अरुणाचल प्रदेश पूर्व में नागालैंड और मणिपुर तथा दक्षिण में मेघालय त्रिपुरा मिजोरम और बांग्लादेश की सीमाएं हैं,  असम के पश्चिम में सिलीगुड़ी कॉरिडोर है  जो की 22 किलोमीटर लंबा रास्ता है जो इसे पश्चिम बंगाल  और  शेष भारत से जोड़ता है

असम  के राज्य प्रतीक क्या क्या है? State symbols of Assam

प्रत्येक राज्य की तरह  असम राज्य  के भी अलग अलग राज्य प्रतीक राज्य पशु राज्य पक्षी आती है

असम  का राज्य गीत State song O Mur Apunar Desh है

असम  की राज्य सील State seal Oxom Xorkar है

असम  की राज्य भाषा State language Oxomiya Assamese है

असम  की राज्य साहित्य समिति State Literary Society Assam Sahitya Sabha (Oxom Xahityo Xobha) है

असम  का राज्य पर्व State festival Bihu है

असम  का राज्य नृत्य State dance Bihu dance है

असम  का राज्य फूल State flower Kopou phul, Foxtail Orchids है

असम  का राज्य वृक्ष State tree Hollong Dipterocarpus macrocarpus है

असम  का राज्य का State animal One-horned rhinoceros, Indian Rhino है

State symbols of Assam, assam in hindi, assam ki jankari, assam ki sthithi, assam ka rajy pakshi, assam ka rajy pashu, state animal of assam, rino is state animal of, duck is state bird of,

असम  का राज्य पक्षी Deo hah White-winged wood duck है,

इस सिरीज़ में हम भविष्य में भारत के सभी राज्यों के प्रतिक, राज्य पशु, राज्य पक्षी, राज्य गीत आदि की जानकारी प्रस्तुत करेंगे, ताकि आपको भारत की विविध संस्कृतियों की जानकारी मिल सके.

State symbols of Assam, assam in hindi, assam ki jankari, assam ki sthithi, assam ka rajy pakshi, assam ka rajy pashu, state animal of assam, rino is state animal of, duck is state bird of, essay on assam, hindi essay on assam, 

English translation

information about India’s major North-Eastern Assam Assam Information in English

Assam State Chief Information Assam info in hindi

Assam is a northeastern state of India, it is located in the south from the hills of the eastern Himalayas, the Brahmaputra and the rivers of India pass through Assam, the total area of ​​Assam is 78,438 km2 (30,285 sq mi). Some parts of Assam also come from Bhutan country, north of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur in the east, and Meghalaya Tripura, Mizoram and Bangladesh are boundaries, on the west side of Assam is the Siliguri corridor which is a 22 km long route. Connects it to West Bengal and the rest of India

What is the state symbol of Assam? State symbols of Assam

Like every state, Assam state also has different state symbols of state animal kingdom birds Assam State song of Assam State song O Mur Apunar Desh is Assam state seal State seal Oxom Xorkar is the state language of Assam State language Oxomiya Assamese Assam State Literary Society State literary society Assam Sahitya Sabha (Oxom Xahityo Xobha) is the state festival of Assam State festival Bihu is the state dance of Assam State dance Bihu dance is the state flower of Assam State flower Kopou phul, Foxtail Orchids is the state tree of Assam State tree Hollong Dipterocarpus macrocarpus is Assam The kingdom State animal One-horned rhinoceros, Indian rhino is the state bird of Assam, Deo hah is white-winged wood duck, in this series we will present information about all the states of India in the future, state animals, state birds, state songs etc. So that you can get information about India’s diverse cultures. State symbols of Assam, assam in hindi, assam ki sthithi, assam ka rajy pakshi, assam ka rajy pashu, state animal of assam, rino is state animal, duck is state bird, essay on assam, hindi essay on assam,


bhaarat ke pramukh poorvottar raajy asam  kee jaanakaaree assam info in hindi

asam raajy kee pramukh jaanakaaree assam info in hindi asam bhaarat ka ek uttar poorvee raajy hai yah poorvee himaalay kee pahaadiyon se dakshin mein sthit hai, brahmaputr aur bhaarat nadiyaan asam  mein se hokar gujaratee hai, asam ka kul kshetraphal 78,438 km2 (30,285 sq mi). hai,  asam  kee kuchh seema bhootaan desh se bhee milatee hai, isake uttar mein arunaachal pradesh poorv mein naagaalaind aur manipur tatha dakshin mein meghaalay tripura mijoram aur baanglaadesh kee seemaen hain,  asam ke pashchim mein sileegudee koridor hai  jo kee 22 kilomeetar lamba raasta hai jo ise pashchim bangaal  aur  shesh bhaarat se jodata hai asam  ke raajy prateek kya kya hai? statai symbols of assam pratyek raajy kee tarah  asam raajy  ke bhee alag alag raajy prateek raajy pashu raajy pakshee aatee hai asam  ka raajy geet statai song o mur apunar daish hai asam  kee raajy seel statai saial oxom xorkar haiasam  kee raajy bhaasha statai languagai oxomiy assamaisai haiasam  kee raajy saahity samiti statai litairary sochiaity assam sahity sabh (oxom xahityo xobh) hai asam  ka raajy parv statai faistival bihu haiasam  ka raajy nrty statai danchai bihu danchai haiasam  ka raajy phool statai flowair kopou phul, foxtail orchhids haiasam  ka raajy vrksh statai traiai hollong diptairocharpus machrocharpus hai asam  ka raajy ka statai animal onai-hornaid rhinochairos, indian rhino haiasam  ka raajy pakshee daio hah whitai-wingaid wood duchk hai,is sireez mein ham bhavishy mein bhaarat ke sabhee raajyon ke pratik, raajy pashu, raajy pakshee, raajy geet aadi kee jaanakaaree prastut karenge, taaki aapako bhaarat kee vividh sanskrtiyon kee jaanakaaree mil sake. statai symbols of assam, assam in hindi, assam ki jankari, assam ki sthithi, assam ka rajy pakshi, assam ka rajy pashu, statai animal of assam, rino is statai animal of, duchk is statai bird of, aissay on assam, hindi aissay on assam,


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